About Us
The Company
TripleP Training and Consulting Ltd. is a leading cyber and information security training and consulting company. Founded in 2017, TripleP is managed by a group of technology experts, former members of IDF units specializing in IT, and cybercrime professionals.
TripleP was created in response to the growing amount of cyberattacks, that have caused major damage and loss to individuals and companies – personal and business assets. With corporate cyberwarfare significantly increasing in size and sophistication, companies are required to take extensive preventive security measures to protect their reputation, data, assets, and those of their consumers.
The average phishing attack on a mid-size company results in $1.6 million in costs, and the time to identify data breaches is within 191 days. This is why taking preventive actions (such as increasing employees' awareness, and investing in solutions to identify security vulnerabilities, threats, and breaches) is crucial.
TripleP offers a wide range of trainings, from introduction to the cyber world to ethical hacking, forensics and cyber methodologies for C-Level management.
Our uniqueness is that we provide a Practice Environment for each participant, so they can study anytime, anywhere and will henceforth be able to utilize the new knowledge professionally and strengthen their corporation.
TripleP also provides cyber awareness programs for organizations, and prepares companies for compliance with privacy regulations around the globe. TripleP customers are leading players in different industry sectors, like Academic (e.g Technion Institution, HIT), Financial, Hi-Tech, Travel, and more.
Our Team
Etti Berger, LLM. - CEO
Etti Berger owns over 25 years of practical experience in Cyber Security as a leading Product Manager in various Cyber Security Companies (including Computer Associates, SanDisk, Nyotron and Votiro). Holding a Master of Law degree (LLM), she has recently begun working on her doctoral thesis, “Privacy in the Digital World". She is an active consultant and lecturer in the fields of privacy and cyber technologies, with recent programs including the Technion's Cyber Studies Program for high school students, and Cyber Programs for Professionals, Directors and more.
Yaniv Barkai - VP Education and CTO
Yaniv Barkai is a Cyber Security expert in digital forensics and encryption, with expertise in investigation for ransomware and cryptographic malware. For the past several years, Mr. Barkai led the digital forensics team of the IDF.
Eduardo Borrotchin - VP Sales & BIZDev
Shai Grumet - VP Product
Meirav Levi Nissenboum Zattz - VP HR
Oren Chapo - VP R&D